Lyric Library
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All lyrics, unless otherwise indicated, are written and copyrighted © by Lynnette Shelley
Lyrics by Brandon Lord Ross, Lynnette Shelley & Vonorn
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
Album: Death of the Red Masque EP (2001)
From Sonnet 90 by William Shakespeare
Album: Victoria & the Harsuspex (2002)
Album: Feathers for Flesh (2004)
Words by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Album: Victoria and the Haruspex (2002)
"The Blessing"
Album: Mythalogue (2013)
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
Album: Mythalogue (2013)
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
Album: Mythalogue (2013)
"Ended Ways"
Album: Death of the Red Masque EP (2001)
Album: Fathomless (2018)
Album: Fathomless (2018)
To be released on forthcoming album
To be released on forthcoming album
"Gliese 138"
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
Words by Brandon Lord Ross
Album: Mythalogue (2013)
Improvisation / wordless vocal
Album: Victoria and the Haruspex (2002)
"The Hive"
Instrumental / wordless vocal
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
Album: Feathers for Flesh (2004)
To be released on forthcoming album
To be released on forthcoming album
Lyrics by Brandon Lord Ross
Album: "Mythalogue" (2013)
"Lost in the Petrified Forest"
Improvisation / Wordless vocal
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
Album: Fathomless (2018)
Song Mash-Up
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
Album: "Mythalogue" (2013)
Album: Feathers for Flesh (2004)
To be released on forthcoming album
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
"The Ruins of the Palace of Minos"
Album: "Mythalogue" (2013)
"Sand and Sea"
Instrumental / Wordless vocal
Album: "Fathomless" (2018)
From "Split the Lark" by Emily Dickinson
Album: Feathers for Flesh (2004)
Album: "Fathomless" (2018)
Live Improvisation
Album: "Fathomless" (2018)
"The Sirens and the Snakes"
Instrumental / Wordless vocals
Album: "Mythalogue" (2013)
Album: "Mythalogue" (2013)
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
To be released on forthcoming album
Lyrics by Brandon Lord Ross & Lynnette Shelley
Album: Death of the Red Masque EP (2001)
Album: "Mythalogue" (2013)
Album: "Fathomless" (2018)
"The Worm"
Instrumental / Wordless vocal
Album: Fossil Eyes (2008)
Album: Feathers for Flesh (2004)