"From Pennsylvania hails a quartet
without limitations to their purposes
and without shame regarding
norms and dogma within new rock."
— Tarkus Magazine


"Hell is full of musical amateurs. Music is the brandy of the damned."
— George Bernard Shaw
THE RED MASQUE is an original avant rock band from the Philadelphia area. Part art, part alchemy, the group's experimental songwriting style is both angular and eerie, accented by freeform space rock improvisations, intricate acoustics, dark atmospherics and chunky riffs. Unconventional and eccentric in musical form, the sophisticatedly sinister The Red Masque fuses together such disparate musical references as horror movie soundtracks, rock-in-opposition, progressive rock, experimental, zeuhl, heavy rock, gothic, psychedelia, space rock, and kraut rock.
Founded in February 2001 by bassist / keyboardist Brandon Lord Ross and vocalist / lyricist Lynnette Shelley, the Red Masque went through several lineup changes over the years, but its intent and integrity has always remained the same. The band's goal was, and is, to create original music that pushes the envelope of the listener's expectations. With such influences as Magma, King Crimson, Hawkwind, Gong, Pink Floyd, Bauhaus, Art Bears, and Van Der Graaf Generator, The Red Masque's compositions are as intense as they are unique.
One of the group's first concerts was at the Prelude to the North East Art Rock Festival (NEARFest) in 2001. Other notable shows include the 2005 Rogue Independent Music Festival in Atlanta, the 2001 World Con Science Fiction Convention, the New Jersey proghouse series, Orion Studios in Baltimore; the Philadelphia Landing Pad Space Rock Festival; and The Gate to Moonbase Alpha concert series at the Rotunda in Philadelphia, the 2011 and 2022 Elephant Talk Indie Music Festival (NJ) and the 2023 Annual Mystic Festival in Delaware. The Red Masque also organized and performed in the 2002 and 2003 Philadelphia Underground Music and Culture Festival as well as the 2009 Philadelphia Experiment festival. The Red Masque have also opened up for notable performers and musicians such as Chris Cutler (Henry Cow, Art Bears), Fern Knight, Cheer Accident, Echo Test (featuring Julie Slick), Moraine, Martin Bisi, The Muffins, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, and Present. They have also performed on stage with such well-regarded drummers and percussionists as David Kerman (5UUs, Present, Thinking Plague) and Paul Sears (The Muffins, Thee Maximalists). Kerman also released two Red Masque albums through his private label Ad Hoc Records, though RER USA.
Steadily growing an audience within the underground progressive and psychedelic music communities for their uncompromising and intense style of music, The Red Masque have released to date one EP ("Death of the Red Masque" in 2001), two live albums ("Stars Fall On Me: Live at Orion Studios" in 2009 and "Live at the Kennett Flash" in 2018 ), and five studio albums ("Victoria and the Haruspex" in 2002, "Feathers for Flesh" in 2004, "Fossil Eyes" in 2008, "Mythalogue" in 2013, and "Fathomless" in 2018, as well as one single, "Beggars and Thieves" (2003). Their record, "Mythalogue", was mixed by acclaimed producer and musician Bob Drake and released through Beta-lactam Ring Records in May 2013. Their last album, "Fathomless" was recorded at Philly JAM Recording with experienced engineer and Sigma Sound alumnus Mark J. Montoro. The album was released independently in late October 2018.
In March 2024, The Red Masque started recording sessions for a new album at Orion Studios in Baltimore.
Brandon Lord Ross:
bass guitar, keyboards
Lynnette Shelley:
vocals, lyrics
Severyn Clarke:
drums & percussion
Scott Weingarten:
Click here to view previous band lineups.

Please go to The Red Masque's Bandcamp page to purchase music.
Many albums are also available on iTunes and other streaming services.
Currently being recorded / due to be released in 2025
Independent Release, October 26, 2018
Available Formats: 6 Panel Digipack CD & Digital Download
Independent Release, February 22, 2018
Available Formats: Digital Download
Beta-lactam Ring Records, May 1, 2013
Available formats: Special Limited Art Edition (now out-of-print) and regular CD (book-bound gatefold sleeve with fold-out mini poster), & download
STARS FALL ON ME (Live at Orion Studios)
ReR USA, 2009
Available formats: Download
ReR USA, 2008
Available formats: CD & Download
Big Balloon Music, 2004
Available formats: CD & Pay-What-You-Want Download
Big Balloon Music, 2002
Available formats: Pay-What-You-Want Download
Big Balloon Music, 2001
Available formats: Pay-What-You-Want Download
"Equally stark is the blast of Philly's the Red Masque. The neo-goth/progressive band fronted by siren/painter Lynnette Shelley and multi-instrumentalist Brandon Lord Ross were always fascinating. Together since 2001, they sounded like Siouxsie meets Gong. But a new guitarist and frantic newer tunes have given their wifty complexities a blunt force by honing their femme-fronted sound to a King Crimson Thrak-era brand of bold attack. Kappow."
— A.D. Amorosi, Philly.com
"In the Nu-progressive rock underground, few bands are as respected and feared as Philadelphia's The Red Masque. Without irony or kitsch, the whirlwind that is Masque ... stalks the darkness of Hammer Horror ambience and cursedly complex musicianship (think Gong meets Bauhaus) with only feedbacking noise, sound-collage clustering and the howl of vocalist Lynnette Shelley to light its way."
— Philadelphia City Paper
"From Pennsylvania hails a quartet without limitations to their purposes and without shame regarding norms and dogma within new rock." — Tarkus Magazine
"The Red Masque and their new lineup will absolutely destroy tall buildings and young minds alike. What an amazing performance & absolutely awesome songs. This new lineup has possibly some of the tightest and hippest drumming that you can still groove to in odd time signatures... Magnificent music with solid songs that deliver gold!... Avant / psych / prog meets krautrock ... Imagine Grace Slick in King Crimson at their most experimental and punishing mathrock. Hard as nails and arty too!
— John Cecil Price, Drugbunny Booking
"The Philadelphia [four] piece, led by vocalist Lynnette Shelley, have a dedication to throwing rulebooks out of windows."
— The Squid's Ear
"The Red Masque provides a sense of color and drama missing from most other modern progressive rock bands."
— Paul Williams, Quarkspace
"Unfortunately: it’s all too seldom that an American rock band will come on to the scene, seemingly out of nowhere, to shake things up on some sort of musical level. Fortunately: we DO have The Red Masque, who have a penchant to do exactly that."
— Dave Kerman, president ReR USA
"Well, you couldn't class this as boring... I heard some accomplished playing and intriguing musical ideas. At one point I was reminded of Jefferson Airplane, then Stockhausen and here and there Velvet Underground with a bit of Alistair Crowley, XTC, Opeth etc, thrown into the crucible of boiling, fervent and sometimes a very scary sound." — Glen Goring, Comus
"The Red Masque [are] here, and they mean business!" — Jon Davis, Expose Magazine

Please visit The Red Masque's Youtube channel for more videos
PHOTO ARCHIVE > Click to view The Red Masque's current and past photo archives, from 2001 to present.
Band photo by Elena Walsh

For booking inquiries, please email theredmasque@theredmasque.com

The Red Masque band photo copyright 2023 by MJ Mac Productions.
Cloud Photo by Sigal Mizrahi

Please email theredmasque@theredmasque.com with all questions and comments.
The Red Masque's Official Facebook Fan Page.
Lynnette Shelley's Facebook fan / art page
Click here to visit The Red Masque's page on Bandcamp.
Buy The Red Masque tee shirts and other official products through Redbubble.
Click here to visit The Red Masque's Youtube playlist.
Follow Lynnette on Twitter where she will keep you up-to-date on both The Red Masque and her various art announcements.
Follow Lynnette on Instagram to see The Red Masque, Green Cathedral and her artwork photos.
Green Cathedral - original art rock band featuring Lynnette on vocals
Lynnette Shelley Fine Art - Lynnette's fine art website.